Discover various roles, benefits and opportunities of working in CAMHS...
Roles in CAMHS
Find out about roles and opportunities in CAMHS
Career Pathways
Explore our interactive tube map on career pathways
Services in CAMHS
Find out about the services across CAMHS
Vacancies and Benefits
View current vacancies and find out about benefits in CAMHS
Explore various workshops and training opportunities to further develop your skills in CAMHS...
Community Café
Broaden your knowledge and skills within your career
Your Learning
Find out about Learning and Development
Find out about workshops across CAMHS
Explore recommended resources including apps, videos and books
Explore various management and leadership programmes and opportunities for personal development...
NHS Leadership Academy
Explore management programmes in CAMHS
Explore leadership programmes in CAMHS
Explore university courses available as part of CAMHS
Discover how we are supporting and enabling improvement in CAMHS through research...
Research Studies
Get involved with Research Studies within CAMHS
Research roadmap
Use the roadmap to guide through your own research studies
Academic partners
Find out about various research programmes with our partners
As well as job satisfaction and personal development, we can offer you a range of benefits to help you maintain and enjoy your work-life balance...
Your local area
Find out about working across Hampshire and IOW
Health and Wellbeing
Discover the Health and Wellbeing services available for our workforce
Staff Networks
Find out about the staff networks we have available
Within the CAMHS Academy in Hampshire and Isle of Wight
Discover books, articles and journals available through the NHS Hampshire Healthcare Library Service.
Explore the books recommended by CAMHS available for young people and professionals.
A collection of websites available that provide information and support for young people and their families.
View key legislation that relates to children and young people for use as a professional in CAMHS.
A collection of apps that are designed to support young people and their families with their mental health and wellbeing.
Explore various videos on CAMHS and wellbeing that are available for young people and professionals.